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Bernard Weber, Founder-President New7Wonders, wishes everyone a Wonderful New Year! "New7Wonders is an example of a positive vision that inspires global progress," he says.

“Have a Wonderful New Year!” says Bernard Weber

Zurich, Switzerland: Dear friends of New7Wonders, I send you my best wishes for New Year's Day. As we enter 2016, we are full of hope for the future and we want to share this message of optimism with the world. The last 12 months have been marked by many noteworthy…

About New 7 Wonders

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Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we get.…

The project founder

Bernard Weber has had a varied career as a filmmaker, museum curator, aviator, and…

Global Memory

When Philon of Byzantium declared the Ancient 7 Wonders, the then-known world was very…

News Room 77

New7Wonders Cities Longlist of 77 Announced

ZURICH, SWITZERLAND: The longlist of the New7Wonders Cities campaign has been revealed by Bernard Weber, Founder-President of New7Wonders. The naming of the 77 cities marks the completion of the Qualification Phase of the global election, which began on 7 March 2012 and during which voters around the world made their…

PPUR officially confirmed as one of the New7Wonders of Nature

Manila/Philippines, Zurich/Switzerland: Puerto Princesa Underground River is now confirmed as one of the New7Wonders of Nature. Making the announcement in Manila, Bernard Weber, Founder-President of New7Wonders, congratulated the people of the Philippines for supporting their national finalist in the global campaign. "When your very own President Aquino came out…
Wall of Wonders: Christ Redeemer Uploaded to Wall of Wonders: Christ Redeemer

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Jeju Island officially confirmed a Wonder of Nature

Zurich/Switzerland: "Jeju Island is now confirmed as one of the New7Wonders of Nature. Congratulations!" So wrote Bernard Weber, Founder-President of New7Wonders, in a letter to Professor Chung Un-chan, chairman of the national committee to vote for Jeju Island. Thanking Professor Chung and the other members of the committee, including Governor Woo…

New7Wonders Founder-President says “Thanks!”

Zurich/Switzerland : Now that voting for the New7Wonders of Nature has ended and counting of the votes has begun, I would like to express my sincere thanks for your support during the campaign. By taking the time to take part, you have shown that you care about something that is…

Schedule for completion of New7Wonders of Nature

Zurich/Switzerland: Voting for the New7Wonders of Nature will end on 11 November 2011 at 11:11 am GMT and the preliminary results will be announced later that day. Once the results have been verified, each of the seven winners will be confirmed at an Official Inauguration event. Here is the…

Matterhorn/Cervino: 1871, 1911, 1931

It's a year of anniversaries for the Matterhorn/Cervino. The first one commemorates an event that took place 140 years ago and featured Lucy Walker from England, who became the first woman to climb the majestic mountain. Walker began her Alpinist career in 1858 when she was advised by her doctor…

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