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Abu Dhabi: Solar Impulse pilot Bertrand Piccard (left) receiving good luck wishes from Bernard Weber, Founder-President of New7Wonders (right), before his historic flight.

The Future Is Clean: New7Wonders supports Solar Impulse mission

Abu Dhabi / Zurich: Bertrand Piccard and André Borschberg are piloting the first round-the-world flight without using any fossil fuel, just solar energy, and New7Wonders is supporting their historic adventure with an initiative that shares the mission's goal of using clean technologies and renewable energy. The Solar Impulse plane took off…
New7Wonders Founder-President Bernard Weber (centre), New7Wonders Director Jean-Paul de la Fuente (left) and the Chairman of the China Great Wall Society Dong Yaohui (right) at the Great Wall in 2014.

New7Wonders Completes Verification of China Great Wall

Zurich / Beijing: New7Wonders today announces the successful completion of the first of its N7W VII programmes , designed to evaluate the status of each of the voted New7Wonders. The programme includes an on-site visit, information gathering, reporting, analysis and a series of recommendations for improvement where necessary. China Great…

About New 7 Wonders

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Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we get.…

The project founder

Bernard Weber has had a varied career as a filmmaker, museum curator, aviator, and…

Global Memory

When Philon of Byzantium declared the Ancient 7 Wonders, the then-known world was very…

Bernard Weber, Founder-President New7Wonders, looks forward to a wonderful New Year.

Bernard Weber says: “Happy New Year!”

Zurich, Switzerland: Warmest greetings to all the friends of New7Wonders around the world! Our past year was crowned on 7 December with the declaration in Dubai of the New7Wonders Cities, and in 2015 we look forward to arranging Official Inauguration events in each of the elected 7: Beirut, Doha, Durban, Havana,…

And the New7Wonders Cities are…

Dubai, United Arab Emirates: Announcing the names of the New7Wonders Cities, Bernard Weber, Founder-President of New7Wonders, said: "I would like to thank everyone who has helped promote the New7Wonders Cities campaign since its inception in 2011. We began with more than 1,200 nominees from 220 different countries and here we…

celebration on 07.07.

This year, and every year from now on, the world celebrates 7 Wonders Day. The event honours the 21 iconic wonders chosen by hundreds of millions of votes following three historic global campaigns.

Bernard Weber, Founder-President of New7Wonders, at the postal vote counting centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Counting down the hours to counting the votes

Dubai, United Arab Emirates: Voting in the New7Wonders Cities campaign ends at 7 am GMT tomorrow, 7 December, and the New7Wonders Cities will be announced from Dubai 12 hours later, at 7 pm GMT. Along with the votes cast using a range of devices on a variety of platforms, valid postal…
These cheerful school children in Vigan, the Philippines, have filled out their voting postcards.

Postal voting for New7Wonders Cities goes global

Zurich, Switzerland: With less than a week to go before the declaration of the New7Wonders Cities, postal voting for the "canon of 7" is gaining global momentum. "By giving people the chance to vote using postcards in these final days of the campaign, we are adding a traditional way of…
New7Wonders Founder-President Bernard Weber holds all the postcards.

New7Wonders Cities: Now you can vote by post!

Zurich: Another exciting way to vote in the worldwide New7Wonders Cities campaign has just been announced. For the first time, postal voting using the New7Wonders Cities Voting Postcards has been enabled. All postal voting will be coordinated via the New7Wonders post voting centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The official supporting…
Bernard Weber, Founder-President of New7Wonders, revealing the 21 qualifying cities in Munich, Germany, the worldwide technology and data hub of New7Wonders.

New7Wonders Cities: 14 go forward to final round

Zurich / Munich: Revealing the 14 Official Finalists that have been voted through to the last round of the New7Wonders Cities campaign, Bernard Weber, Founder-President of New7Wonders, congratulated the chosen candidates. Speaking from the worldwide technology and data hub of New7Wonders in Munich, Germany, he said, "This is a memorable…

New7Wonders Cities approaching the grand final stage

Zurich, Switzerland: With one week left to go in the current round of voting, the 21 cities competing in the Finalist stages of the worldwide New7Wonders Cities campaign are lining up for the next big qualification milestone. On 7 October, the Finalist cities will be reduced to 14, with one…

Philippines President Proclaims Puerto Princesa Underground River Day

Zurich, Switzerland: The President of the Philippines, Benigno S. Aquino, III, has proclaimed that 11 November every year will be known as "Puerto Princesa Underground River Day." The signing of the proclamation took place in the Malacañang Palace in Manila, the official residence of the President of the Philippines. Noting…

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If you have an idea involving the New7Wonders concept, or maybe you want to associate New7Wonders with your product or brand, or any other commercial or business or new creative idea, please use this form to contact Jean-Paul de la Fuente, New7Wonders Head of Value Development.>