New7Wonders highlights the Dead Sea as one of the most symbolically powerful nominees in the New7Wonders of Nature global campaign with a riveting event

Three children representing Israel, Jordan, and Palestine sailed together in a wooden boat on the Dead Sea. To honor and respect nature and the Dead Sea as one of the best-recognized New7Wonders of Nature nominees that also lies in an area of great historical and political tension, New7Wonders asked the children representing the nations bordering the Dead Sea – Israel, Jordan and Palestine – to set sail together in its salty waters. The event was provided with the support of and help from the Societies for the Protection of Nature in Israel, Palestine and Jordan.
Powerful Symbolism
It is also a call to the world for a new, overarching level of communication and incentive for peace – in the Dead Sea region and around the globe. Not only must we work together to ensure that our planet survives and flourishes, but also to guarantee peace and opportunity for all people.
New7Wonders of Nature recognizing the power of the Dead Sea
The event underlines the significance of the Dead Sea’s nomination in the global New7Wonders of Nature campaign. It is one of the best-known multi-national nominees worldwide with an important historical background. This is in addition to both its context of being in a politically sensitive area and the fact that the Dead Sea faces an urgent and dire environmental threat of drying up (It loses 1 meter of sea level every year!) that can only be mastered by a concerted effort from all of the parties involved.
About the New7Wonders of Nature campaign
The New7Wonders of Nature campaign follows the successful New 7 Wonders of the World campaign that culminated in the unveiling of the new man-made wonders in a spectacular event in Lisbon on 07.07.07. More than 100 million votes created Global Memory in the world’s first-ever global election. Now, the world is voting for our natural wonders, with over 1 billion votes forecast.
“Nature does not know nor recognize the boundaries and limits that we humans have drawn in our minds” Bernard Weber, President of the New7Wonders Foundation