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Baerbel, Fred, Samantha and Benjamin Pennell are exploring the world of New7Wonders

The Pennell family share the world of New7Wonders

The Pennell family from Winnipeg in Canada are on their way to the ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu in Peru, and then they're off to Brazil, via Easter Island, to see the statue of Christ Redeemer. After that, the next stop is the pyramid at Chichén Itzá in…

About New 7 Wonders

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Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we get.…

The project founder

Bernard Weber has had a varied career as a filmmaker, museum curator, aviator, and…

Global Memory

When Philon of Byzantium declared the Ancient 7 Wonders, the then-known world was very…

New7Wonders Global Network Summit delegates

First New7Wonders Global Network Summit held in Bali

The first New7Wonders Global Network Summit was held at the weekend in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Participants included delegates from New Wonders host countries, the "W20": Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, China, Colombia, Ecuador, France, Guyana, India, Indonesia, Italy, Jordan, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, South Africa, South Korea, Suriname, Venezuela and Viet Nam. The New7Wonders…
Buenos Aires

Work begins in Buenos Aires on Iguazu Falls monument

Construction workers have begun breaking ground in the heart of Buenos Aires as part of a unique architectural project that will feature as its centre-piece the Official New7Wonders Plaque listing Iguazu Falls as one of the New7Wonders of Nature. The inauguration is scheduled for early next year. Founder-President of New7Wonders, Bernard…
Wall of Wonders: Christ Redeemer Uploaded to Wall of Wonders: Christ Redeemer

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A photo was uploaded by an user to support Christ Redeemer as favorite wonder on

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Argentina and Brazil host joint inauguration party for Iguazu Falls

In the first part of our series reviewing the Official Inauguration celebrations for the New7Wonders of Nature, we visited the Philippines. That trip was followed by a journey to Vietnam, and today we're on the border of Argentina and Brazil recalling the Official Inauguration of Iguaza Falls. The candidacy of…

New7Wonders of Nature Congress takes place in Argentina

Opening the New7Wonders of Nature Congress in Iguazu, Argentina, yesterday, Bernard Weber, Founder-President New7Wonders, gave the following speech: Delegations representing the New7Wonders of Nature, Ladies and Gentlemen, When in Lisbon on 7 July 2007, the man-made "New 7 Wonders of the World" were declared, this ancient Greek concept became once more a…

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