On 10 February 2022, President of New7Wonders Bernard Weber, Director of New7Wonders Jean-Paul de la Fuente and Executive Coordinator of New7Wonders Mariana Fried were warmly received by the team of delegates and representatives at the Cuba Pavilion. The Cuban Ambassador and Commissioner General at Expo 2020 Roberto Blanco and the directors of the Cuba Pavilion Milena Perez and Alberto Lopez were all in attendance. The Cuban mission in the United Arab Emirates and the directors of the Henry Reeve Brigade, a Cuban group of medical professionals established by Fidel Castro in 2005, were also present.

The visit was in honour of the Cuban capital of La Habana, one of the New 7 Wonders Cities, which was officially inaugurated as such in 2016 after the announcement of its election in late 2014. During the visit to the Cuba Pavilion, Virginia Vega, a member of the Cuban community located in Dubai, demonstrated how traditional Cuban cigars are rolled. While at the event, Weber spoke of the dedication of Eusebio Leal to the project during the nomination and voting phases of the global voting campaign that resulted in La Habana joining the canon of New 7 Wonder Cities.

Picture credits:
All pictures: New7Wonders