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Bernard Weber, Founder-President New7Wonders, wishes everyone a Wonderful New Year! "New7Wonders is an example of a positive vision that inspires global progress," he says.

Bernard Weber: “Have a Wonderful New Year!”

ZURICH, Switzerland Dear Wonderful Friends Please accept my warmest wishes at the start of the New Year. In 2017, let us all adopt the New7Wonders positive vision of life, and inspired by this, we can work together to build a more harmonious and just world. Undoubtedly, the highlight of our past 12…

About New 7 Wonders

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Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we get.…

The project founder

Bernard Weber has had a varied career as a filmmaker, museum curator, aviator, and…

Global Memory

When Philon of Byzantium declared the Ancient 7 Wonders, the then-known world was very…

"Con este reconocimiento La Habana entra a la memoria global. Deseo a todos una feliz celebración." Bernard Weber, New7Wonders

The Official Inauguration of Havana as a New7Wonders City

— "Cuba's capital Havana has become the place for celebrities and VIPs to be seen in. So far this year, the city has played host to US President Obama, the Rolling Stones, the Kardashians and a fashion show by top models for Chanel. And this week at an inauguration…

La Habana ya es oficialmente una Ciudad Maravilla Moderna

— "La Habana, en Cuba, fue elegida como Ciudad Maravilla Moderna por la organización New 7 Wonders. Cientos de miles de personas votaron por esta ciudad en una lista de ciudades que “mejor representan el cumplimiento de las aspiraciones de nuestra civilización global urbana”, según describen los organizadores." La…
Wall of Wonders: Chichén Itzá Uploaded to Wall of Wonders: Chichén Itzá

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A photo was uploaded from Slovakia to support Chichén Itzá as favorite wonder on

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Bernard Weber, Founder-President New7Wonders, wishes everyone a Wonderful New Year! "New7Wonders is an example of a positive vision that inspires global progress," he says.

“Have a Wonderful New Year!” says Bernard Weber

Zurich, Switzerland: Dear friends of New7Wonders, I send you my best wishes for New Year's Day. As we enter 2016, we are full of hope for the future and we want to share this message of optimism with the world. The last 12 months have been marked by many noteworthy…

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