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Peru is very proud of its natural Amazon Wonder

Writing in El Viajero, the travel supplement of the influential Spanish newspaper, El Pais, Miguel Ángel Noceda says that the people of Peru were delighted that the Amazon had been elected as one of the New7Wonders of Nature. In his article, "Mototaxis en la selva", Noceda takes the reader on…

Announcing the provisional New7Wonders of Nature

The provisional New7Wonders of Nature are, in alphabetical order: Amazon, Halong Bay, Iguazu Falls, Jeju Island, Komodo, Puerto Princesa Underground River, Table Mountain. Here, Bernard Weber, Founder-President of New7Wonders, announces the names of the provisional New7Wonders of Nature at the New7Wonders headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland.

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The project founder

Bernard Weber has had a varied career as a filmmaker, museum curator, aviator, and…

Global Memory

When Philon of Byzantium declared the Ancient 7 Wonders, the then-known world was very…

The New7Wonders of Nature are…

The first count of the global vote to elect the New7Wonders of Nature has been announced. In alphabetical order, they are: Amazon, Halong Bay, Iguazu Falls, Jeju Island, Komodo, Puerto Princesa Underground River, Table Mountain. Announcing the results at the headquarters of the New7Wonders Foundation in Zurich, Switzerland, Bernard Weber, Founder-President…

Top 14 Finalists in the New7Wonders of Nature

Based on the counting of votes at this point, New7Wonders can now reveal the names of the top 14 Finalists in the New7Wonders of Nature. They are, in alphabetical order: Amazon, Bu Tinah Island, Dead Sea, Great Barrier Reef, Halong Bay, Iguazu Falls, Jeita Grotto, Jeju Island, Kilimanjaro, Komodo, Masurian Lake…
Wall of Wonders: Iguazu Falls Uploaded to Wall of Wonders: Iguazu Falls

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Peru powers Amazon bid for Nature wonder

The campaign for the Amazon to be elected as one of the New7Wonders of Nature is being led by...Peru. It is fitting, perhaps, that the majestic river shared by Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela, is being urged to a new level of greatness by the…

Peru gets Official Finalist Certificate on the Amazon

On Sunday, New7Wonders Director Jean-Paul de la Fuente handed over the Official Finalist Certificate to the President of the Loreto Region of Peru, Yván Vasquez, at a ceremony where two boats met in the middle of the Amazon river, nearby the Loreto capital Iquitos. Peru is unique amongst the…

Celebrating the source of the Amazon in Peru

In 1996, an expedition team led by the Polish adventurer Jacek Palkiewicz confirmed the source of the Amazon River at the foot of Mount Quehuisha in the Peruvian Andes. Today, Jacek Palkiewicz is an Ambassador of the Masurian Lake District, one of the 28 Official Finalists in the New7Wonders of…

Bolivia to make Pachamama part of its law

The law establishes 11 new rights for nature. They include: the right to life and to exist; the right to pure water and clean air; the right to balance; the right not to be polluted; and the right to not have cellular structure modified or genetically altered.

New7Wonders website in Global Top 200!

From the beginning of June to the middle of July 2007, The New7Wonders website was one of the 200 most-visited websites worldwide and it remains a very popular online destination today. From the...

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