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The ‘JetMan’ plans to fly through the Grand Canyon

Swiss aviator Yves Rossy has chosen the Grand Canyon, one of the New7Wonders of Nature Finalists, as the location of his first US flight using jet-powered wings that are attached to his back. The "JetMan", who is famous for his successful flights across Lake Geneva and the English Channel, will…

About New 7 Wonders

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The project founder

Bernard Weber has had a varied career as a filmmaker, museum curator, aviator, and…

Global Memory

When Philon of Byzantium declared the Ancient 7 Wonders, the then-known world was very…

New theory about the origins of the Grand Canyon

How exactly was the Grand Canyon formed? The question has been hotly debated by canyon geologists in Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico for more than a century. Now, according to the LiveScience website, new research suggests that the gigantic canyon's origins might be more recent than originally thought. And…

Grand Canyon threatened by mining activity

More than 8,000 gold and uranium mining claims have been staked on public land around the Grand Canyon since 2004, an increase of 2,000 percent, the Pew Environmental Group says. As prices for precious metals continue to rise, mining claims near the Grand Canyon and other natural landmarks are soaring,…
Wall of Wonders: Iguazu Falls Uploaded to Wall of Wonders: Iguazu Falls

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A photo was uploaded from Iguazu, United States to support Iguazu Falls as favorite wonder on

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Preserving Grand Canyon National Park

With more than four million visitors a year, the park faces by many difficult issues when it comes to handling them while also preserving the region's natural, cultural and historic resources.

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