“It is my pleasure to donate the official New7Wonders brand book, which explains all about the New7Wonders campaigns, the movement it created and the philosophy behind it to the public library in La Habana,” said Bernard Weber, Founder of New7Wonders, at a donation and signing ceremony in La Biblioteca Pública Rubén Martínez Villena in Havana, the capital of Cuba. The event took place as part of the Official Inauguration of La Habana as one of the New7Wonders Cities on 7 June.

The popular public library is located at the Plaza de Armas in La Habana Vieja and is named after Rubén Martínez Villena, a Cuban writer and revolutionary. Handing over the New7Wonders books to Regla Perea, Directora of La Biblioteca Pública Rubén Martínez Villena, Bernard Weber said:
“Also I am adding the book: We Want World Wonders which New7Wonders co-published with the DELFT University in Holland and one more on a more personal level: The White Leopard which is a product of my last film. It tells the story of three adventurers, Walter Mittelholzer, the founder of Swissair, Baron Louis von Rothschild, one of the world richest man at the time and Ernest Hemingway who relates to Cuba!”