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Cuban cigars reach Bavaria via Vietnam

The Cohiba cigars pictured here have certainly traveled a long way. What started out in Hanoi as a personal gift from the Vietnamese Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Hoang Tuan Anh, following the inauguration of Halong Bay, ended up in Munich as a present for the Göktepe family, makers…

About New 7 Wonders

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Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we get.…

The project founder

Bernard Weber has had a varied career as a filmmaker, museum curator, aviator, and…

Global Memory

When Philon of Byzantium declared the Ancient 7 Wonders, the then-known world was very…

New7Wonders of Nature commemorative plaques cast in bronze in Munich

In preparation for the Official New7Wonders of Nature Inauguration ceremonies, the commemorative plaques for the seven global sites are currently being cast at a foundry in the heart of Munich, Germany. The bronze panels, weighing 120 kg and measuring 130 x 110 x7 cm, are being produced at the Kunstgießerei…

Wonders of our Nature

Germany is represented in the New7Wonders of Nature by the Black Forest, which is located in the state of Baden-Württemberg. In a heart-warming gesture of solidarity, the children of the European international School choir in Munich, located in the neighbouring state of Bavaria, have recorded the song "Wonders of our…
Wall of Wonders: Taj Mahal Uploaded to Wall of Wonders: Taj Mahal

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Green restaurant in Black Forest

What is being called Europe's "first green restaurant" serves traditional German food in a magnificent natural setting high above the tall conifer trees of the Black Forest, one of the 28 Official Finalists in the New7Wonders of Nature. The Rappenecker Hütte is a 350-year-old farm house in southern Germany that generates…

“Wonder of Nature”—A song for the New7Wonders of Nature

Singer-songwriter Steven James is supporting the New7Wonders of Nature campaign with his newly-released "Wonder of Nature". Born in Mainz, Germany, Steven's musical roots extend deep in many traditions as his father and grandparents are of American and Jamaican origin. For more than 10 years now, he has been an active…

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