''Our local officials should identify possible internet voting centers such as internet cafés, colleges, and universities, and set these up for general public access for the purpose of voting via e-mail,'' wrote Robredo in a memorandum.
Bu Tinah website revamped
Since the launch of www.BuTinah.ae, more than 70,000 people from 137 countries have visited the website to learn more about the Island, its inhabitants and EAD's efforts to protect it.
Rescued Chilean miners relax in the Dead Sea
After their spiritual, cultural and historical experiences, the miners took time out to relax at the Dead Sea, where they floated in the water and took advantage of the mineral-rich mud around the area, which is the lowest place on Earth.
If it’s Thursday, it’s Table Mountain
''South Africans have to make sure that our flat-topped wonder makes it into the final seven. It's a once-in-a lifetime opportunity to create a legacy, an opportunity that we can’t ignore – there will never be another election like it. Once the final seven are decided, that's it,'' says Lehmann.
Kim and Seo promote Korea in the New York Times
It began: ''South Korea is a peninsula surrounded by beautiful islands.'' It continued: ''The New7Wonders foundation has named Jejudo one of the finalists for the on-going New7Wonders of Nature poll. Jejudo has become a 'must' place to visit.''
Saw the world from space, supports Mazury in the race
''I want this exceptional spot in Poland to become known worldwide. Let us mobilize and promote Poland and this national treasure Mazury in the international 'New7Wonders of Nature' campaign, so that the eyes of the world are upon us,'' Hermaszewski wrote.
Miss Korea is now an ambassador for Jeju
She speaks Japanese, Chinese and Spanish in addition to her native Korean and has ambitions to be a diplomat. As an ambassador for Jeju, she is now ideally positioned to get hands-on experience in the theory and practice of international relations.
Lord of the Dance at the Cliffs of Moher
The show features 40 dancers acting out the mythical Irish folk story of a battle between Don Dorcha, the Lord of Darkness, and the Lord of Light, also known as the Lord of the Dance.
Canadians Text Votes to 77077 for Bay of Fundy
Two hockey players joined two provincial prime ministers during the 2011 Halifax Canada Games at the text voting face-off for the Bay of Fundy New7Wonders of Nature campaign.
Ido Tadmor is dancing for the Dead Sea
''This is the place where I can rest and go through a 'rebirthing', where I feel the strongest spiritual connection, where I feel purified and cleansed.''