A national radio station in South Africa recently profiled New7Wonders of Nature candidate Table Mountain. Among those interviewed were Sabine Lehman, CEO of Cableway.
A giant telephone to vote for Table Mountain
The national Minister of Tourism was the first person to use the new SMS voting service available in South Africa. Also a historic first as SMS voting for Table Mountain will be accepted in the six main South African languages, including Zulu, Xhosa and Afrikaans.
“Africa: Vote for Table Mountain to become a wonder!”
At a special ceremony today on Cape Town’s Table Mountain, Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu called upon people everywhere to celebrate the natural world we all share by voting in the Official New7Wonders of Nature campaign.
Colombian journalist was the 20-millionth visitor on Table Mountain
Frederico Uribe cast his vote for Table Mountain and the Amazon. Both are amongst the 28 Official Finalists in the New7Wonders of Nature campaign