Business Opportunities
The New7Wonders, The Official New 7 Wonders of the World, New7Wonders of Nature and New7Wonders Cities, National7Wonders, WondersWall names, brand and concept, including all related and derived concepts are protected and owned by New7Wonders.
New 7 Wonders has the following rights for business and commercial partnership available:
Home of Global Memory: Uniquely interactive arena and global landmark featuring the real WondersWall The worldwide interactive online wall, where you become part of the Wonders
The Official National7Wonders: National format rights
Visit7Wonders: Official travel and tourism partner of New7Wonders
Invest7Wonders: Investment forum for Wonders and investor partners
N7W Hotels and Resorts: Officially licensed hotels partner of New7Wonders
Official Sponsor Partner: Brand partnership with New7Wonders
Official Licensee Partner: Product or service partnership with New7Wonders
To start the conversation, please contact us.
Note: Companies and brands that want to use these New7Wonders names, brands or concepts in any way, for whatever purpose, and on any product or service, must contract with us as an official partner. Unauthorised use may result in the suspension and elimination of the related status of the Wonder itself.